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The Difference Between Overalls and Coveralls

Overalls and coveralls are both types of protective clothing, but they have distinct differences in design, purpose, and usage. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

1. Design

Overalls: Overalls typically consist of trousers with a bib that extends over the chest and is held up by straps or suspenders. They are often open at the sides and can be worn over a shirt or other clothing. Overalls allow for more ventilation and flexibility in movement.

Coveralls: Coveralls are a one-piece garment that covers the entire body, including arms and legs. They usually have a front zipper or buttons and provide full coverage from neck to ankles, often with elastic cuffs and a fitted waist. Coveralls are designed to offer more complete protection.

2. Purpose

Overalls: Overalls are generally worn in settings where workers need protection for their clothing from dirt, paint, or other materials but do not require full-body coverage. They are commonly used in farming, gardening, and light industrial work.

Coveralls: Coveralls are designed for situations where there is a higher risk of exposure to hazardous materials, chemicals, or contaminants. They provide a protective barrier and are often used in industries such as construction, manufacturing, healthcare, and hazardous waste handling.

3. Material

Overalls: Overalls are often made from durable fabrics like denim, cotton, or canvas, suitable for general wear and tear.

Coveralls: Coveralls may be made from specialized materials, including those that are flame-resistant, chemical-resistant, or waterproof, depending on the specific risks associated with the job.

4. Usage

Overalls: They are frequently worn for casual or work-related tasks and can be stylish or functional in various settings.

Coveralls: These are typically used in professional settings where safety regulations require full-body protection, and they are often disposable or designed for specific safety purposes.


In summary, while both overalls and coveralls serve to protect clothing and the body, overalls are generally more casual and provide partial coverage, whereas coveralls are designed for full-body protection in more hazardous environments. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the job and the level of protection required.

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