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Personal Protective Equipment for Coronavirus

The protective equipment used by medical personnel shall comply with relevant national standards. PPE should include devices to protect the torso, arms, hands, eyes, nose and mouth.

(1) Primary protection: It is suitable for medical staff engaged in general diagnosis and treatment activities in the pre-examination triage office and infectious disease clinic. Wear disposable work caps, disposable surgical masks, and overalls, and if necessary, disposable latex gloves.

(2) Secondary protection: It is suitable for medical staff to engage in diagnosis and treatment activities in the outpatient observation room of the infectious disease department and the patient ward of the infectious disease department. Wear disposable work caps, goggles, medical protective masks (N95), disposable hooded microporous coverall and disposable latex gloves, and disposable shoe covers if necessary.

(3) Three-level protection: It is suitable for patients in the ward of infectious diseases department to perform sputum suction, respiratory tract sampling, tracheal intubation and tracheotomy, etc., when the patient's respiratory secretions and body substances may be sprayed or splashed. . Wear disposable work caps, full-scale respirator or headgear, medical N95 masks, and disposable medical protective coverall.

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