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The Meaning of Disposable Microporous Coverall

Disposable coveralls include fire coveralls, industrial/medical/military coveralls and protective clothing for special groups. Coveralls are mainly used in firefighting, military, shipbuilding, petroleum, chemical, painting, cleaning and disinfection, laboratories and other industries and departments.

Disposable microporous coveralls is one of the protective clothing. In 1990, the American Fire Protection Association and the American Society for Testing and Materials proposed and developed additional standards for protective clothing and obtained OSH approval. The standards set performance requirements for airtight chemical protective clothing. The requirements include chemical resistance and flame testing, which can prevent 21 basic chemicals. The chemical protective clothing made of Tychem TK fabric not only has excellent chemical protection performance and excellent physical properties, but also is relatively comfortable to wear. Its protection It has a wide range and can defend against more than 260 high-risk chemicals.

Durable and tear-proof microporous coveralls has good visibility in dark environments, safer under taboo conditions, and easier to see under smoke conditions.


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